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Main : skimpydog-gentoo
Posted by skimpydog on 2010/12/26 12:37:42 (5514 reads)

So my new project as of lately is skimpydog-gentoo.

This is Gentoo, 32bit - built how I like it.

When asked "what is the purpose of skimpydog-Gentoo?": it is to promote safe computing practices, and to introduce others to Linux - A free Operating System. I did NOT write this, I put it together, and worked out bugs - I created a few scripts to assist with ease of use.

You may download, and watch the installation video as a demonstration of the installation:
AVI ~215MB
Flash ~72MB
iPhone/iPod Touch/Android/PSP ~136MB
iPhone 4 ~177MB

When asked about Linux (by a stranger), I normally have to follow up with: "There's nothing wrong about not running Windows, I use Microsoft Windows as well".

An example use of Linux: What does the iPhone, iPod, iPad, and Android run? Your computer can run it much better.

I am updating the tar.bz2 (compressed files) as often as I can, as well as the installation instructions - but not too often as my goal is stability on an Intel ChipSet without using proprietary drivers/code; and attempting to keep things in layman's terms.
- However complex computers may be, the more familiar You become with the terminology the better off you will be. Computers are not going away anytime soon.

Built for an Intel based architecture, this is fully bloated with:

#Gnome-2.30.2 built with hal support
#dialup support

Works right out of the box with dualhead nVidia older cards, like GeForceFX 5600. "eselect set opengl nvidia". You may use "eselect opengl list" to see what is available:

 X11 # eselect opengl list
Available OpenGL implementations:
  [1]   nvidia *
  [2]   xorg-x11

With Intel Based Video cards i810, i915 (I assume newer chipsets as well; just not tested), use "eselect set opengl xorg-x11", and modify /etc/Xorg/xorg.conf by using one of the examples for Hardware Video acceleration:
 /etc/X11 # ls xorg.conf*
xorg.conf           xorg.conf.example
xorg.conf.DualDead  xorg.conf.nvidia.TwinView

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Main : Fighting Virii
Posted by skimpydog on 2009/1/23 20:40:00 (4251 reads)

Fighting Virii in Linux can be hard if you do not know how to do this.

This article shows a few methods on finding problematic scripts, and can potentially help in determining if this contents are malicious.

Here is a direct link to the forum:
Finding the culprit(s)

Main : Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Posted by skimpydog on 2008/2/22 8:40:00 (4469 reads)

This is actually the DOS version of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

This is an Old Skool game that will knock your socks off trying to beat!

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Main : RHEL5
Posted by skimpydog on 2007/10/19 17:40:00 (6500 reads)

Rhel 5 is rather new.

Server virtualization, apache, samba...

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